Based on Volleyball age Categories, generally the age groups are as follows:
14U: Athletes born between September 1, 2010 and Dec 31, 2011 (16 months)
The focus of the 14U Program is to further develop skills that can be performed under relatively easy and stable conditions where athletes can both build and demonstrate consistency, control, and precision. The goal in these age groups is to start (for new athletes) and to continue (for returning athletes) to develop the ability to maintain these skills when the athlete is under pressure, conditions change, or demands increase. The 6 vs 6 game is also introduced creating the need to learn team systems and position specialization. (LTAD, Volleyball Canada)
Sundays, DrJH Gillis 230-4pm
Wednesdays, Pomquet, 6pm-730pm
Super Series #1: February 7-9, 2025
Super Series #2: March 21-23, 2025
NS Champs: April 11-13, 2025